Sunday, May 06, 2007

Long Island Marathon 3:29:02 / 7:59 and Then Some...

The results for the Reckson Long Island Marathon are finally posted:

Chip Time: 3:29:02 / 7:59 Pace
Gun Time: 3:29:36 / 8:00 Pace
Half Split: 1:43:18
Rank: 64/513
Age Group 7/42

Unofficial Mile Splits:

1- 8:20:51
2- 7:52:25
3- 7:52:79
4- 7:52:02
5- 7:51:22
6- 7:52:77
7- 7:52:45
8- 8:04:80
9- 7:41:56
10- 7:36:87
11- 7:34:09
12- 7:37:69
13- 7:47:58
14- 7:42:23
15- 7:47:51
16- 7:49:38
17- 7:53:01
18- 8:07:89
19- 8:10:92
20- 8:15:46
21- 8:21:72
22- 8:19:05
23- 8:23:62
24- 8:15:09
25- 8:13:04
26- 8:09:02

For the first few months, mentally and physically, I just wasn't "there". Physically, after the ankle sprain in November, my left knee and right hamstring felt very sore and a bit odd. The weather didn't help either. I resorted most of my training on the treadmill. Yes, I actually ran 12-13 miles on the treadmill...and granted, training on the treadmill is not the same as running in the park. In addition, I only did one long training run (18 miles) two and a half weeks ago; therefore I didn't feel like I have adequately trained for the 'thon like last year. Mentally, I doubted myself and ran cautiously after what happened on mile 8-10 on the NYC marathon and mile 11 on the Manhattan Half. Lastly, family stuff has brought me down a bit.

However, recently three things sparked me into deciding to run the full. First, the doc's report was very positive on Tuesday; hence I was relieved. Second, the Brooklyn Half-marathon result really brought back some much needed confidence and motivation. Third, I just need to redeem myself after the disastrous NYC 'thon. Not to discount the NYC experience, I had a blast there...just finishing it felt great, however, the goal-time was always in the back of my head. The NYC marathon in November really humbled me and no matter how prepared you are, anything can happen. After that disappointing result, I wanted to make a comeback as soon as possible to prove to myself that I can do a lot better with or without injuries.

It was pretty chilly at the start of the race. She dropped me off at Charles Lindbergh Blvd at 6:45am and found myself hovering near the engine of the car to stay warm. Half an hour later I met up with the japanese crew. At the start, I ran very conservatively on the first mile as my left knee was pretty banged up (which I need to get it checked) however after mile 2, it felt fine. It is weird...the pain is there in the beginning and gradually subsides after 7-10 minutes. Shit happens eh?

Throughout the race, I just made sure that I'd run a 7:30-8:00 mile for as long as possible if I were to achieve the elusive sub 3:30. For the most part (except for mile 8) I was able to pull most of sub 8s. On miles I have to say those were pretty hard miles. Although the course was mostly flat, the crazy headwind blowing your direction wasn't fun at all!!! Also, the course was pretty banal and there's a lack of crowd excitement compared to NYC. I literally had to jam up my Ipod to keep myself motivated. In the end I was able to spot the SigEps on mile 24 and 26. Once I reached my first Sub 3:30 marathon, I was glad that I ran the full!!!!

Here's some of the things I did differently compared to the NYC.
-Took tylenol pills, 2 hours before the race and mile 14 afterwards
-No mellow (ie. Jack Johnson, Elliott Smith) music on the ipod playlist
-Drink on ALL water stops
-Eat a power gel before the start and every 5-6 miles after (took a total of 5)
-Carbo-load a week before and eat a reasonable breakfast
-Get away from the crowd and scan ahead for any cracks/uneven pavements on the road
-Stretch frequently (use the full week to focus on that)
-Get enough sleep (I slept at 8pm on a Saturday nite!!!!!!)
-Don't push too hard in the beginning
-No alcohol for THREE days. Bud light and Amstel still don't cheat!

Spotted Pig and Ulysses

Had farewell drinks at the Spotted Pig...No Jay-Z sighting and happy hour at Ulysses; good times....

Other Room and Babbo

Took a friend out for her birthday. We pregamed at Otheroom with good beer and wine, then dinner at Babbo (rsvp'ed at 10:30 and wasn't seated till 10:45). The food was hit and miss as the braised beef tasted like something from an authentic Chinese restaurant, otherwise, it is fine. Lastly we ended the night at Club Ultra. I couldn't finish one beer there since I was sooo full from dinner. In addition, it was a Lambda retarded...we left before 3. This was practically the worse $25 cover I've paid!

Mets Game

Well, the Mets lost...horrible horrible game...albeit a quick moment of excitement from Wright's homer. Furthermore, it was Asian Heritage Night...very fitting while my group was "asian". I really didn't noticed anything asian throughout the nite. Maybe I should've brought my chopsticks while eating the pretzel and hot dog. And since my marathon was in 4-5 days, I had no beer. I much as I was tempted to drink (it was so damn hard)...I refrained.


Recently have Blue October's "Foiled" on heavy rotation (was in my playlist during the Long Island marathon). I totally missed out on the January dates. I hope they continue the second leg of the tour in the Northeast regions. To my surprise, there's a duet with Imogen Heap in "Congratulations"

*Other Running News: I'm feeling fine after the marathon. Just some soreness on my hamstrings and knees. My next race is probably the San Francisco Half Marathon in the end of July. Although I am tempted to run the Healthy Kidney 10K; I highly doubt it! Hence, I'm going to rest up and prepare for the long races (San Franciso Half, NYC Half, Staten Island Half, Queens Half, 18miler, Grete's, NYC Marathon and Knickbocker)

Aloha and Cheers,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy CRAP, you ran GREAT!!! Congrats!!! Nice job with the pacing, too!!!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Bridges Runner said...

Awesome, you make the pacemaster very proud:) Rest up and I look forward to seeing you out there soon!

2:47 AM  
Blogger DawnB said...

Congratulations on an oustanding job!!!What a day it was!!my walk from the car to the start I was absolutely freezing, I needed gloves but that too would have went with the jacket I'm sure!! I remember those winds!!!I remember leaning forward with my head down just to get through it!!!most likely I'll be there again!!! again congratulations on a great job!!

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get real - was there any doubt the mets were gonna lose?

6:22 PM  
Blogger nyflygirl said...

Congrats again!! (and good running into you yesterday!)

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyyyyy, wait a minute...... I didn't bother to check the DATE of this marathon. If I had known you took only TWO DAYS' recovery before doing speedwork on Wednesday (and it's not like you took it easy, either!), I would have kicked you out of the workout. Don't be crazy like certain PMeople we know. If you want to get a major injury, I don't want to have it on my conscience!

10:43 PM  
Blogger nyflygirl said...

for the record-when I ran into moz on wednesday-i did try and talk him out of doing speedwork :-p

listen to your coach. he knows what he is talking about :)

10:11 PM  

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